Background Screening Solutions
Background Screening Solutions
Below you will find a list of our most popular searches. We offer screening solutions for your business needs.
When going over our different types of searches please be aware that we use industry standard names. What we call a Statewide Criminal Search others may call it a “State Plus” or a “Multiple In-State County” search.
After speaking with you and understanding your business. We will recommend the best screening solution that will protect your business within your budget.

Criminal County Search
A search will be conducted from public record through available court indexes at the lower level and upper level courts; as available. A misdemeanor and felony record search will be performed, unless otherwise noted. This is a county-level service available nationwide, U.S. territories and some Canadian provinces*. International searches also available.
Federal Criminal Search
Search is done on a national level or district level, however the service is ordered. This service includes 85 of the 94 Federal districts. This search identifies crimes committed on federal property and crimes against the government such as tax evasion, drug trafficking, immigration law violations, wire fraud and mail fraud.
Federal and State Incarceration Records
This service helps identify a person having served or still under the jurisdiction of a state prison or within the bureau of prisons. Information obtained reveals parole violations, current warrant information (related to time being served), dates entered into prison and dates released from prison.
Statewide Criminal Search
This service is a lead generator for possible county-level criminal convictions. This service is cross-checked with a database with millions of criminal records. Information is from public records and various courts and law enforcement agencies within the state. Employment decisions should not be based solely upon information contained in this service. All statewide searches that have possible convictions should be followed up with a Criminal County Search.
Sexual Offender Registry Search
A statewide search of the sexual offender registry. Information in this report may reveal date and place of original offense, offense description, address, identify physical marks, and any previous address. Offenders by law are required to register when they move to a different state. This search is very useful for those at risk.
U.S. Criminal Database Search
A primary lead generator, this searches at the national level for possible county-level convictions, and sexual offenders (where available). This service is cross-checked with a database with over 100 million criminal records. Information is from public records and various courts and law enforcement agencies across the United States. Employment decisions should not be based solely upon information contained in this service. Any information found should be followed up appropriately with a Criminal County Search. Feel free to go over our complete list of coverage areas.
Terrorist Search Plus (World Report)
A very useful tool. This search includes OFAC Special Designated Nationals (SDN) & Blocked Persons, OFAC Sanctioned Countries, including Major Cities & Ports, Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories, Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties, U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security Unverified Entities- Denied Entities List-Denied Persons List, FBI Most Wanted Terrorist, FBI Top Ten Most Wanted, INTERPOL Most Wanted List, Bank of England Sanctioned List, Canadian Sanctions List (OSFI), United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List, Politically Exposed Persons List, European Union Terrorism List and World Bank Ineligible Firm.
International Criminal
Available searches in over 240 countr’s worldwide.
National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR)
42 out of 50 states plus US territories: Alabama ,Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin Wyoming, Washington, District of Columbia & Guam. State only searches in Alaska, Connecticut, Indiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont and the territory of Puerto Rico are currently not available.
Workers Compensation Search
The law permits you to ask disability related questions; perform medical examinations; make inquiries about number of sick days used in the past; and inquire about previous injuries. Some examples include: dates of injury, body parts injured, and recent case activities, status of cases and parties of record and identifying data for the applicant.Be advised that this service is subject to strict guidelines as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act and any state equal opportunity law or regulation that may apply in your state. Please discuss this service with a sales agent.
Civil Superior Court Search
We search Superior case filing of $25,000 or over. Record look up is usually by defendant, plaintiff, attorney or case number.
Federal Civil Search
A search is done on a national level or district level, however the service is ordered. This service includes 85 of the 94 Federal districts. This search identifies violations of constitutional rights and complaints regarding monetary damages against individuals, companies and government entities.
Liens and Judgments
A search that identifies individuals with unlawful detainers, notice of default of state and/or county tax liens. Information in this search is obtained from a database that is updated bi-monthly.
Employment Credit Report
This service gives summary of public records that include total debt, charge offs, repossession, liens, collection accounts, revolving accounts, installment accounts, mortgage accounts, credit inquiries, and delinquent accounts. Also provides some aliases used, and previous addresses.
Employment Verification
Verifies the applicant’s dates of employment, basic duties, and position. (Salary history subject to additional fee where available) .
Education Verification
Verifies the applicant’s degree earned, graduation date, dates of attendance, and course(s) taken (where available).
Professional License Verification
Verifies an applicant’s license, license type, agency issued, current status, date issued, and date of expiration.
Military Service Verification
Verifies an applicant’s current discharge status, type of discharge, and branch of the military.
Form I-9 Verification
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) legally mandates that U.S. employers verify the employment eligibility status of newly-hired employees.Our Form I-9 Verification Service simplifies and improves the efficiency of your verification process.
International Verifications
Education, Employment and Professional License can be verified internationally.
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) /
List of Excluded Individuals and Entities (LEIE)
Determines applicants who have been barred from working in Medicare, Medicaid or other federal health programs due to past indiscretions.
GSA / SAM / Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)
Determines applicants who have ever had a contractor’s license suspended or revoked and is currently excluded from receiving federal contracts and subcontracts.
Fraud and Abuse Control Information Systems (FACIS) All Levels) /
Health Care Sanction Check
FACIS is a search of a vast database containing adverse actions of individuals and entities sanctioned in the healthcare field. This includes information on disciplinary actions ranging from exclusions and debarments to letters of reprimand and probation.
National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB)
The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB), or “the Data Bank,” is a confidential information clearinghouse created by Congress with the primary goals of improving health care quality, protecting the public, and reducing health care fraud and abuse in the U.S.
National Eviction Search:
Have access to the most comprehensive national landlord/tenant record database. The National Eviction Search uses sophisticated name and address match logic and delivers a comprehensive, easy-to-read report summarizing past court actions, prior landlord inquiries, and landlord-reported history.
Tenant Credit Report:
FCRA compliant, this credit report allows you to see total revolving accounts, accounts sent to collections, delinquent accounts, payment status, and more.
Essential Package (Tenant Screening Exclusive):
This exclusive package is made up of six important services for tenant screening; Tenant Credit Report, National Eviction Search, Criminal County Search, Motor Vehicle Report, U.S. Criminal Database Search, and a Bankruptcy, Liens and Judgment Search.
Employment / Employer Interview (Basic)
Employers and immediate supervisors are asked questions from a simple questionnaire regarding an applicant’s nature of duties, strengths and weaknesses, demeanor with associates, initiative, and reason for leaving.
Employment / Employer Interview (Professional)
This type of interview is more tailored for management, asking questions into an applicant’s dependability, leadership, propensity for violence, carries project through completion, job performance, and more.
Employment / Employer Interview (Custom)
This custom package allows you to pick from a list of over 100 questions that are considered legally safe questions to ask a former employer. The package allows you to compile your own interview with up to 10 questions. The first five questions are at no charge, but additional question may be subject to a one-time setup fee*.
Personal Reference Check
We conduct basic interviews asking questions into an applicant’s character, years known by the reference, relationship, punctuality, reliability plus additional questions.
The best investment your company can make!
Most legitimate background screening companies offer the same searches, what makes the difference is how that client as treated, and at C3 Intelligence, our client’s are our #1 priority. Whether you are a large or small company experience the C3 difference!

Customer Service isn’t a department, it’s an Attitude!

Education & Employment Verification audit procedure to ensure the process maintains its integrity.